
Saturday, 23 February 2013

Web-Based Learning in Manitoba

Today in Internet for Educators we had a presentation from Sophia Palahicky and Donald Girouard from Manitoba Education. As I am focusing on middle years education, I have never really thought much about web-based learning until today's presentation. Listening to Sophia and Donald, I could see that there are benefits for me as an educator even if I am teaching in the middle years stream.
One aspect of web-based learning that I was not aware of was the availability of already developed courses that MB Education provides online. Donald & Sophia explained how this could be important if a teacher is required to teach a subject that they are not familiar with. The opportunity for a teacher to go online and look at a previously developed course in order to gain background knowledge to teach a certain subject area is a great resource to have. I know that there are some subjects that I would have to "teach" to myself before I would be able to teach to students so it is great to know that these courses are available to me if I ever need them.
I had also never heard of Blackboard. Being introduced to this tool was really important for me. Although I am not in the position to feel confident using Blackboard, having a little bit of background knowledge and awareness in the tool is really important to me. My belief is that the more I am aware of the greater knowledge I will have of where to look for future learning and resources. If I do not know tools exist, it is a lot harder to gain any knowledge at all.
It was great having Donald & Sophia share the different ways that Manitoba Education is focusing on the various students in Manitoba and offering them opportunities that they may not otherwise have had. Whether students are benefiting from seat sharing in rural areas or credit recovery from students who are struggling academically, it is great to know that tools are being provided to students at all levels to give the greatest opportunity for success.


  1. I also feel that Blackboard is a great tool that I am not quite sure I could use effectively yet, but in the future I would like to give it a go. Learning that MB curriculum based courses are already available for us to use was a great feature. Great reflection!

  2. I have never heard of blackboard until the presentation either. It seems like it could be very beneficial, especially if you get signed up to teach something you have never taught before. I probably won't use blackboard right away, but I'll give it some thought.

  3. I am really glad that I am not the only one that had not used or heard of blackboard. Thought maybe I was missing something! That is one great thing about this course, the exposure to so many different tools. Just knowing what is out there is a step in the right direction!
