Twitter. . . one thing that I always said I would not join. . . but here I am! Yet again Internet for Educators has pushed my comfort level and expanded my learning experience in the field of technology. I must admit, I was definitely ignorant in the world of Twitter. I always thought Twitter was about following celebrities or keeping up with what was going on in my friend's lives. I never realized the potential of Twitter in terms of connecting with other educators and gaining incredible resources from them! Learning on a daily basis from experts that I would never had the opportunity of connecting with is an amazing aspect of Twitter! By reading what others have to share I am able to build from their resources and tools and adapt their knowledge to what I am needing in my education journey.
So, even though I said I never would, I have been convinced that the world of Twitter is for me! I still am not sure how comfortable I am with doing a lot of tweeting myself, but maybe that is something that will change with time. I am however excited to see what knowledge I can gain and what doors will be opened through the connections that I make!
I can 100% relate to your views on Twitter! Although I have not tweeted myself, I've made a point of reading the tweets everyone else has made and it has been really educational! In our Science Methods course, we had a guest speaker briefly mention that he had wanted to create a class twitter account to follow the Canadian astronaut in space, so I don't think you have to necessarily tweet yourself. From what I've seen following people can be just as educational.