
Sunday, 27 January 2013

My PLN & The 21st Century Connected Student

When I started thinking about what my PLN would include, I was not sure that I would have much to include. Then I started really thinking about what I use technology for in my learning and every day life and realized that I am more connected than I thought. I am quickly expanding my PLN as I continue with the Internet for Educators course and am interested to know how my plan will change by the end of the semester. Assembling this PLN was a reflective process, but also a learning process. I have never used a program for a design like this before and although it may not look like much to some, it is a lot for me. Maybe some day I will look back and think that it is very basic, but for now I am happy with what I was able to accomplish!

When I think about the 21st century student I am honestly a little scared. Thinking about all they are connected to, I realized that I should probably have a lot more on my list but am simply not aware of all that is out there. I know that I need to become more educated so that I am able to connect more with my students. . .something I am working towards and understand that it will probably always be a work in progress! This map is what I could think of, hopefully I am not too far off!


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